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7 years ago
Crossing Russia
7 years ago

By the time I got to writing this, I'd already left Russia for 2 days. Even this early in my journey, I get to discover the pace of travel makes it hard to keep this place updated! Regardless, I had a fun time in Russia, and I'll try to put down a condensed version of my antics here.

The Transsiberian Express.

Once I left Moscow, I would be on a train for a little over 3 days. For the first bit of the first night, it seemed like I had a coupé (or 'Kupe') all to myself, but eventually I was joined by Sergei. Unfortunately, Sergei's English was almost as bad as my Russian, so there was little communication, but Sergei turned out to be a very kind coupé-buddy. Eventually I gathered that he was moving to a new home in Irkutsk.


Lake Baikal
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
A three and a half day train ride, spanning over 5000 kilometers and covering 5 timezones
Impression of Moscow
7 years ago
A day in Moscow
7 years ago

Subway Surfing

After landing at Sheremetyevo Airport, I quickly passed customs and followed the signs to the 'Aeroexpress' a train that would take me into the heart of Moscow. At least, partially. From Belaruskiy train station I would follow the directions provided to me by the hostel. The site through which I had booked the hostel however, had done the courtesy of providing a very bad dutch translation of these directions. The only parts I could really make sense of where the Metro stations I would have to travel through.


7 years ago
Flying to Moscow. Tomorrow, I will board the train in the direction of Beijing!
The journey begins
7 years ago