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Seoul and Deagu
6 years ago

After a very long flight (I still don't fare well on airplanes, since sleeping upright is just impossible for me), and then a 1 hour train ride, I was back in Hongdae, Seoul, South Korea. This was were I left 3 months ago, and everything immideately felt familiar again. I quickly found my hostel, went to eat something, and got to bed at 9. The jetlag wasnt very cooperative, and I woke at 2 a.m. again.


Seoul to Daegu
6 years ago
240 kilometers by intercity bus (arguably both the most comfortable and cheapest form of public transport in Korea!)
Amsterdam to Seoul
6 years ago
At Home
6 years ago

After being at home for almost 3 months, I'm continuing my travels today.

On June 30th, I got on a plane from Seoul to Amsterdam, not being sure if and when I'd go back. My mom had been battling cancer for 4 years, repeatedly beating the expectations of the doctors. However, for some time now, her health had been going backwards rapidly.


Seoul to Amsterdam
7 years ago
Flying from Korea back home. What made this flight extra interesting to me is that it took me over all the same spots in China, Mongolia and Russia that I had visited to come this far in the first place. I'm very glad I did all travel from Moscow to Seoul without flying (Hong Kong - Tokyo being the exception).
Travelling Korea
7 years ago
A map of my travels through Korea
Pictures of Korea
7 years ago
7 years ago

Trying to minimize my air travel as much as possible (frankly, airplanes are just the most boring and tedious way to travel), I had to figure out another way to get from Japan to South Korea. At their closest, these 2 countries are still seperated by some 200 kilometers of water. Luckily, there exists a boat that can cover that distance in just 3 hours!
However, getting from the remote fisher village near Nagasaki that I stayed at to Fukuoka on time proved barely doable. Luckily, I managed to get to the harbor with a whole 10 minutes to spare!


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