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Fukuoka to Busan
7 years ago
Travelling from Japan to South Korea by high-speed ferry!
Pictures of Japan
7 years ago
7 years ago

Ever since I started 'planning' this trip, I had doubts wether I should visit Japan. What set me back where the 'horror stories' of how expensive the country is. However, I figured I would not be this close to Japan anytime soon, and with the barrier of an expensive flight out of the way, I decided to go!


Crossing Japan
7 years ago
A map of the 'route' I took through Japan
Hong Kong to Tokyo
7 years ago
Hong Kong
7 years ago

Initially my plan was to get from Yangshuo to Hong Kong via train, but my hostel offered an alternative: the sleeper bus. I decided to take the bus for 3 reasons:

  • It was a whole euro cheaper (and saved on a night in a hostel)
  • It saved me the hassle of taking an early morning bus to the train station
  • It was definitely going to be an incredibly uncomfortable but unique experience.

At around 8 in the evening I got picked up by the bus. The interior consisted of three rows of about 8 bunk beds. I quickly found out that I was too tall for these beds, and the bumpy ride made this considerably less comfortable than sleeping in a train. At around 2 in the night however I discovered that in the very back of the bus, there were 5 beds adjacent to each other, and none were taken. I claimed this queen-size bed for myself and actually managed to catch a few hours of sleep.


Pictures of Hong Kong
7 years ago
Yangshuo to Hong Kong
7 years ago
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